martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

17th May

Hi! We are Hiba from Tetuan and Marta from Sevilla are we're gonna tell you what we did today.
Today we woke up early in the morning for having breakfast. Then, we had shower and we got clean (Teeth, brush our hair..). Next, we got ready for making two routes by the town and the mountain range nearby Villardeciervos, the two routes were amazing and the views so wonderful. After this, we came back to the CEAM for eating and resting. Then, we finished our freetime and we started with the workshops. In the workshops, we learned how to recycle paper and why recycling it is so important for the goodbeing of the future generations. Next to that, we had a snack and we rested. In the rests, we usually have showers or change our clothes. We had so much fun and we learnt a lot.