lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

15th May

Hello I'm Noelia from Tobarra and I'm Josue from Lora del Río. 
Today, we arrived to Villaderciervos and then we went to the saloon. In the saloon, the teachers explained us the rules and then they speak about Villardeciervos. then, we went to the rooms and prepare our things. Then we ate in the dinning- room. Later, we had got free time and we prepared for the gymkana. We had a meeting where we were learning about Villardeciervos and its animals. At five o'clock they explained us the rules of the gymkana and then we went to the town for doing it. We learned a lot of things about the history of this town, in teams. Later, we came back to the school and we took a shower. Tonight we are going to make a game and later we will go to sleep. We are very tired. It´s been a long day for everybody because of the journeys. It was a very funny day and we are waiting for tomorrow.

We will tell you more tomorrow.